August was a quiet month for Twitter who is still rolling out last month’s changes, but the other social networks were as active as ever:


  • Facebook keeps taking steps against fake news’ propagation: Pages that continuously link to and share news that have been marked as “false” will no longer be able to run ads on Facebook.
  • Facebook is adding new text bubbles and round profiles which better reflect individuals online.



  • Instagram is updating its comments with conversation features making it easier to reply to different people in the same post, like it is already possible in Facebook.
  • Will also be possible to start shared live videos with friends thanks to a split screen look video.
  • Instagram will now let people upload landscapes and portrait pictures in gallery posts, moving forward from the previews squared photo’s option.


  • LinkedIn is starting to add in-app video creation which will show up as an attachment in the next post.
  • LinkedIn is also introducing the Active Status icon, visible as a full coloured green dot next to the profile photo if the contact is being active on LinkedIn or on mobile (green dot with a white circle in the middle).
  • Users will only be able to see their contacts’ statuses if their own active status is turned on.
  • LinkedIn is rolling out a new mentor-mentee connection feature. It will give the possibility to young professionals to simply yea-or-nay their way to a potential mentor. LinkedIn first started testing the service last July and it is now available just in San Francisco and Australia, looking forward to extend it for all users.